The FarmVille Pig-O Game has been restocked with new, but re-released prizes. You may remember most of these prizes as previously released items from various FarmVille events.
This week’s Pig-O Game costs 16 Farm Cash per Pig-O Token. When you play and win all six regular prizes, you will receive a free exclusive Bonus Prize which is the Red Bridge for this week. As always, you should play at your own risk as you are never guaranteed to win any one specific or all prizes featured in the game.
- FarmVille Pig-O Game – 16 Farm Cash
FarmVille 07.30.2012 Pig-O Game Unconfirmed Prizes:
- FarmVille Log Ride
- FarmVille Lilypad Bridge
- FarmVille Mirror Lake
- FarmVille Rock Hot Tub
- FarmVille Stone Aquarium
- FarmVille Chateau Pond
- FarmVille Red Bridge (Bonus Prize)
Will you be playing FarmVille’s Pig-O Game this week? If so, which prize(s) did you receive?